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Precision Optics Manufacturing: Ion Beam Sputtered Coatings

Ion Beam
Sputtered Coatings

  Reflectivities >99.99%

  Coatings That Are Less Affected by Environmental Factors, Including Temperature and Humidity

  Surface Roughness No Longer Limited by Coating

  Coatings Covering Wavelengths Between 266-1600nm

  Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) Control for Ultrafast Coatings

Edmund Optics® designs and manufactures optical coatings deposited using ion beam sputtering (IBS), a highly-repeatable coating technology ideal for high-reflectivity mirrors, ultrafast mirrors, and filters with sharp transitions.


Measuring High Reflectivity IBS Coatings
Using Cavity Ring-Down (CRD) Loss Meters

  • State-of-the-Art Metrology for Highly-Reflective Optical Components
  • Highly-Sensitive Measurement of Total Loss in the Parts per Million
  • Signal Decay Rate Measured in Cavity Consisting of Test Optic and Reference Mirror
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CRD loss meters produce a highly-sensitive loss measurement of signal decay rate, quantifying a component’s transmission, absorption, and scatter
Figure 1: CRD loss meters produce a highly-sensitive loss measurement of signal decay rate, quantifying a component’s transmission, absorption, and scatter.
Loss measurements made using CRD are much more accurate for highly-reflective optics than direct transmission or reflection measurements made using a spectrophotometer
Figure 2: Loss measurements made using CRD are much more accurate for highly-reflective optics than direct transmission or reflection measurements made using a spectrophotometer.

High Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT)

IBS coatings are ideal for laser optics applications due to their high laser induced damage threshold.

Wavelength Typical LIDT
355nm 10 J/cm2 @ 20ns, 10Hz
532nm 25 J/cm2 @ 20ns, 10Hz
1064nm 30 J/cm2 @ 20ns, 10Hz
Table 1: Due to continuous process improvement, these typical LIDT values will continue to improve over time.

Ultrafast IBS Coatings

  • Coating Layers Designed for Either Near-Zero or High Negative Group Delay Dispersion (GDD)
  • Minimize or Compensate for the High Dispersion Prevalent in Ultrafast Laser Systems
  • Short Pulse Durations of Ultrafast Lasers Beneficial for a Wide Range of Applications
  • White Light Interferometry Used to Accurately Measure GDD

Superpolished Substrates for IBS Optics

  • RMS Surface Roughness <1Å for Minimized Scatter
  • Diameters up to 50mm on Fused Silica
  • Complement IBS Coatings for Creating Extremely Low Loss Optics
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Custom Designed &
Manufactured IBS Optics

Contact us below to speak with an expert today!

 Standard IBS Components Available for Immediate Shipping

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