Join representatives from Edmund Optics, TOPTICA Photonics, and Rochester Institute of Technology for a virtual discussion about the key benefits of ultrafast lasers and how they are revolutionizing fields as diverse as brain imaging and glass polishing.
We invite you to join this 60-minute webinar presented by Dr. Olivia Wheeler, Ultrafast Laser Optics Engineer at Edmund Optics, Dr. Joseph Mastron, Ultrafast Applications Scientist at TOPTICA Photonics, and Dr. Jie Qiao, Associate Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). At the end of this webinar, participants will have a strong understanding of:
Dr. Olivia Wheeler joined Edmund Optics as an Ultrafast Laser Optics Engineer in December 2021. In this role, she guides customers through choosing the correct optical components for their ultrafast laser systems. Olivia obtained her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2020. During her graduate studies, she primarily conducted ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy and microscopy studies of novel materials for solar cells. Olivia previously worked as a post-doctoral research associate at Purdue University, where she focused on ultrafast instrumentation development, specifically pump-probe microscopy with 10fs pulses.
Joseph Mastron, Ph.D., joined TOPTICA Photonics Inc. as the ultrafast applications scientist in January 2022 and has been working with ultrafast lasers since 2011. In his doctorate studies at the University of Chicago, Joseph developed two-photon-excited and time-domain Fourier transform fluorescence-encoded infrared spectroscopy. From there, Joseph became a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan where he worked with multidimensional pump-probe and 2D techniques spanning the UV, visible, and IR wavelength ranges on a variety of systems, including inorganic catalysts, vibrational polaritons, and photosynthetic proteins. Additionally, he served as the chair of ethics, co-chair of PR, and co-president of the University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association of the College of Engineering.
Jie Qiao, Ph.D., is associate professor in the Carlson Center for Imaging Science at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, New York. Her research group focuses on ultrafast-laser-based photonics and optics fabrication, such as femtosecond laser polishing, 3D writing of photonic devices, and laser welding of optical materials. Prior to joining RIT, she was a laser scientist at the Department-of-Energy-funded Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester. She has worked on technology innovation of various ultrafast laser systems, photonics devices, optical imaging, and metrology systems for two photonic startups and one optics company. She is an Optica Fellow and was an associate editor for Optics Express from 2018 to 2021. She is the Chair for the 2022, 2023 Application and Technology Program at the CLEO conference.
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